My latest book Out of this World is a slightly different genre than my previous publications and is for boys and girls 9-12 yrs old. Those who have read it have found it engaging and adventurous and an accessible story for this age group. The inclusion of anthropomorphic animals has proved popular with young readers and the theme of bullying is relatable for the intended audience. It is also an exciting story for young readers who enjoy stories about animals.

An accident with a dog while cycling to school is the beginning of a weird and wonderful adventure for Alex the main character. Slowly coming round, he can remember the collision, the dog and trying to brake. Then everything going black. Sitting in the verge with the dog, Alex can also see them both lifeless in the road and is trying to make sense of how they can be in two places at the same time.

By mistake, Alex is taken to the place where animals go when they leave our world. A beautiful, unspoilt world called Himaphan, which resembles how earth must have looked a million years ago and where animals wild and tame now live peacefully together.

No human has ever entered this world and being a boy, Alex is told he can only stay in Himaphan, till they find the place where he belongs, but in the meantime he becomes an explorer and discoverer of this exciting new world.

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